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Reckless Driving

What it is this how does it Affects Your Driving Record

The Police pulling over a car for careless driving are among the more common violations given out by police but in many cases there is some confusion as to what careless driving actually is. This happens because there is a lot of room for interpretation on the part of the law enforcement officer when it comes to determining what qualifies as careless driving as they could do.They Unlike a speeding ticket which is easily measurable using radar careless driving violations can be given out in a variety of situations where the officer feels a driver was not using the care and attention to the road needed to drive safely and carefully.

Defining Careless and speed Driving

The recent Highway Traffic Act of Ontario defines careless driving as driving a vehicle or street car on a highway without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highways very probably.

There is a big deal of interpretation on the part of the officer giving the violation. The particular officer must determine that the driver was not exercising the level of care and awareness of his or her surroundings that is required for safe driving. It can be applied in many situations whether or not an accident occurs. The careless driving charges are common in the case of accidents where one driver caused the crash due to careless actions. The cops can also hand out a careless driving violation when they witness a driver performing an action on the road that shows carelessness and could potentially cause an accident even if it did not because careless driving has so much room for interpretation in the definition and relies on the officer’s judgment it is a charge that many people consider fighting in court.

Fighting to a charge of careless Driving

If you are thinking to fight a careless driving charge the most important thing to be aware of is that you will bear the burden of proof. It means you will have to convince the judge that your actions were not careless or dangerous and that the police officers assessment of the situation was obviously wrong.

It is possible to successfully fight a careless driving charge and there is assistance available. Visit our site for ( offers paralegal assistance to help drivers who feel they have been wrongly charged with a traffic violation to avoid the demerit points and fines. This Careless driving can come with a punishment ranging from a $500 fine all the way to a maximum of 6 months in prison. Those were serious consequences that are worth fighting if you really believe you are not guilty.

We cannot guarantee that you will be able to get off even with assistance but if you do choose to fight a careless driving ticket having professional advice and help can often make a big difference in your success. Think Before you decide to fight the charge look at what happened as objectively as you can and be certain you feel you have a strong case. Always remember that you will be required to provide evidence that you were not driving carelessly which in some situations can be very difficult to do.

effects of reckless driving
reckless driving effect on driving record

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