What is Tinted Glass and Why is it not allowed for Cars as per law.

Some of the Use of dark, black or reflective glasses in the vehicles is not permitted as per law.
The supreme court of India is restricted the use of tinted glass in the motor vehicle, use of the black film or any other material is not given permission on the windscreen and side windows of vehicles. Violation is punishable with heavy amount of challan and on-the-spot removal of film is done. Only company (default) fitted tinted glasses permitted, with 70% visual transmission of light with windscreen & rear window and 50% visual transmission of light for side windows is necessary.
The normal glass used for windows in the buildings, homes, and cars, while offering the advantage of using of incoming light and does not allow for others to see inside the tinted glass , and can also let in more than the desired amount of the heat. Tinted glass, however, provides an easy solution to these problems. But this term refers to any glass that has been treated with a material such as a film or coating that reduces of the transmission of the light through it. Glass can be tinted with many various types of coating, which can block and/or reflect different amounts and types of light, according to the needs and the preferences of the consumer.
One of the most common ways in which the tinted glass is used in the automobile for windows. Now-a-days almost all of the cars come with tinting at the top of the windshield to reduce solar glare like when the sun is low in the sky. Apart from that, the windows of many of the cars can tinted either at the factory or as an aftermarket with add-on by the car owner, to provide privacy for the car’s passengers, as well as to reduce the buildup of heat in a car while it is parked outside.
There is law in U.S. where every state regulates the degree, to which car windows can be tinted, especially the frontal windows. These are the limits place in order to enable police officers to identify the driver and passengers of a vehicle, and allow motorists to see through the windows of other vehicles to spot down the hazards that otherwise could not be seen. Each of the state’s laws limiting window tint are different, but apparently all specify the minimum allowed percentage of visible light transmission (VLT) for windows in private passenger vehicles. The glass shield and the windows immediately to the left and right of the driver are like generally required to have a higher VLT percentage than the back windows in private vehicles.
Any another popular use of tinted glass is in windows of homes and commercial buildings are used. Residential glass tinting is much easier than to do than automotive tinting. It can even be done by the homeowner or himself, with some practice. Glass in homes that is tinted it serves many purposes, such as limiting UV light transmission through the windows to reduce the fading of the furniture and the new carpet, and reducing the heat gain inside the home by reflecting solar power heat energy, thereby saving the people money in cost of cooling.
Tinted glass is also used in the commercial buildings to keep the inside area cooler, and also it has the added benefit of giving the outside of a building a more uniform, aesthetically very pleasing appearance. Depending upon the creative use of the different colors of tinting, the building can also take on a unique object and some interesting appearance while being insulated from the sun at the same time.