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Driving in Stress

Always Keep Your Eye, Mind, and Thoughts on the Road while driving:

Keeping all of your emotions in control makes a huge difference in the state of driving safety but there are other things like many drivers do that take their attention away from driving and can cause a lot of problems for themselves and others. Even though if you work in your car and almost never seem to leave it after refrain from eating reading map consulting with Internet surfing and applying makeup or holding your pets while you are driving.

If you use a cell phone for texting or finding way that you must talk use a hands-free device like headset or like Bluetooth while you are driving and keep the calls short and at an absolute minimum.

As long as you are driving your attention should be on the road and on the traffic at all times not diluted by distractions or by strong emotions.

It's All about Awareness for you:

Most of the drivers are aware of the affect that takes place when the things like drinking and cell phone use have on their driving safety for a while giving little consideration to other factors that can be even more distracting. Fatigue -stress and our emotions have a serious effect on driving they may cause accidents causing serious impairments that we may not even be aware of. If you are worried afraid of something or upset or kind of frightened- depressed or even happily excited you’re driving skills can be as negatively impacted as they would be if you were engaged in an intense phone call or after having consumed several alcoholic drinks may cause to serious problems.

Many of the times we do have to drive after facing an emergency for example: after being notified of some sudden illness or death of a loved one or even after a confrontation with another person such as a particularly upsetting incident at some work. If you guess that you must drive after your emotions have surfaced here are a few things you can do to manage the emotion and make your driving safer for yourself and others on the road side.

If you are angry or had a quarrel with your loved once upset or otherwise annoyed whether due to something unrelated to driving or because of a driving incident pull over or off of the road. Take a few moments to close your eyes take a few deep breaths and get relax. If the emotion are particularly strong take a short walk or go get something to drink non-alcoholic of course just stay off of the road until you have time to settle down in your surroundings.

If you find yourself drifting into worry or a kind of depression, or if you are thinking too closely about something that has happened negative, make a concerted effort to put it out of your mind until you stop the car. Some people find that making a hand gesture of a kind of dismissal to them helps as does the distraction of music. Use the energy to instead the focus on your driving and give yourself time to sort out the troubling issue when you do not have to drive.

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