How to Avoid Road Accidents in India
While on road you must think that only you come to know how to drive a vehicle and all others do not know to drive a vehicle but they are driving Safety driving Speed kills us Be alert all the time.Dont think tomorrow that you have done mistake. Never take a risk on vehicle overtaking. 90% of the road accidents are while overtaking.. Do not go faster unless your vehicle is fit for It.
Do not drive fast because childrens may come in your way. Do not drink and drive a vehicle or car .Do not drive when you are in rainy session because when a rain cum we can slip the bike. Do not make lost minute rush. Better late than never, Go to airport or railway station half an hour before. Always keep distance between the vehicles. Between u Do not make hurry .Do not allow youngsters to drive the vehicle There are drivers never did mistake their life time.

Things to Remember while driving
1. Don't take alcohol before going for a drive a vehicle.
2. Maintain your distance in way.
3. Never overtake from wrong side or in crossing.
4. Maintain the limited speed. Never drive over speed.
5. Must we use helmet, while driving a Two wheeler.
6. Must give signals well before turning.
7. While overtaking, must warn the driver of the Vehicle whom you are overtaking.
8. Take care of bumps and cavities on the road.
9. Use back view mirrors.
10 Avoid using cell phones while driving keep a driving mode
11. Keep your brakes smoothly tied working.
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