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Driving tip while going on long drive:

If you are will to go on long drive you need to be careful because long drive causes many problems.

Things to remember:

Carry documents like valid driver’s licence, Vehicle registration papers, vehicle insurance papers, pollution check documents.

If you are crossing other states its better to carry Passport copies.

Always carry helmet.

Check Air, Oil, Fuel, because tyres with less air give less mileage and check brakes if brakes dont work replace it with new brakes.

Carry GPS and Map, if you have map never know when it will be helpful. if you carry android phone it will be helpful in journey too.

Before journey have a nice sleep, it will give rest to your body

Carry food, because while going on long drive you may not find food and you may suffer in the journey.

If you are going out in summer then carry summer clothes, if you are going in winter better take woolen clothes.

Remember few places, School zone, hospitals, where you need to drive carefully.

Drive care, especially in forest, there you may not find street lights.

If you have any please share driving tips have a safe journey.

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